Project Development Section

Run by Darwin Li

Welcome to the Project Development section of the UCC Coding and Algorithms Academy. I am Darwin Li, a Grade 10 student at UCC.

Every two months or so, we will be presenting a general theme around which club members will design a game, website or similar project individually, focusing on a certain skill each meeting. These skills could include techniques such as database management, game design, and etc. By the end of the two months, the goal for the club members is that by incorporating these elements into their own projects, they have created something fully functional with their own creative takes on the original theme.

Welcome to the Project Development section of the UCC Coding and Algorithms Academy. I am Darwin Li, a Grade 10 student at UCC.

Every two months or so, we will be presenting a general theme around which club members will design a game, website or similar project individually, focusing on a certain skill each meeting. These skills could include techniques such as database management, game design, and etc. By the end of the two months, the goal for the club members is that by incorporating these elements into their own projects, they have created something fully functional with their own creative takes on the original theme.

Resources for Club Members

Meeting Presentations

If a slideshow was used during a section meeting, it will be posted below after the meeting.

November 17 & 24, 2020 - Google Drive folder with code files.

November 24, 2020 - Brickbreaker Game Demo pt 2.

November 17, 2020 - Object Oriented Programming + Brickbreaker Game Demo pt 1.

October 29, 2020 - Introduction to Game Engines and Object-Oriented Programming.

Learning Resources

General Resources

W3schools - Popular online guides for learning web development.

Electron.js Docs - Official documentation for the web app framework electron.js.

Sebastian Lague Youtube Channel - Interesting project ideas.

Game Development

Godot Engine Official Youtube - Official video guides for using the Godot game engine.

Godot Course by GDquest - Crash course for learning Godot.

Brackeys Youtube Channel - Interesting tutorials for the Unity game engine.

Unreal Learning Online - Official free learning platform for the Unreal Engine.

Development Software

Visual Studio Code - Recommended powerful text editor with support for a variety of languages.

Sublime Text - Another popular text editor.